Salaah (Namaz):
Conditions for offering prayers (Salaah):
1. Taharat (personal cleanliness): You should properly clean yourself by making ablution (wudu), taking a shower (ghusal), or dry ablution (tayammum). Make sure your mouth, shoulders and foot are not smelly.
2. The cleanliness of garments is mandatory. Make sure your clothes, undergarments, and underarm area are not smelly.
3. The place should be properly clean where you have to perform prayer (salaah).
4. Set the direction of prayer (salaah) towards Khaanah Kaabah and choose a place where there are no pictures, songs, extra sounds, videos etc to distract you.
Additionally, you should know that what was the first direction Muslims set for prayer (salaah) before Khaanah Kaabah.
'Ijtihad' is an Islamic term that means to do research on the current issues according to the teachings of Islam.
5. Covering Awrah (private parts), properly covering, and dressing up. Fit, tight, and see-through dresses are not allowed for young boys and girls, or men and women. For boys and men, only hands, faces, and feet should be visible, and for girls, only the face and fingers should be visible.
6. For prayer, it is necessary to turn away from the world and intend to pray. After that, it is not permissible to do anything else during the prayer. Fully involve yourself in prayer, both physically and mentally. Physically, it means doing each step correctly and not engaging yourself in extra activities like cleaning or rubbing the nose, arranging the hijab, and all that. Mentally, it means don't think about anything else.
7. It is necessary to perform prayer (salaah) at the appropriate time, and don't close your eyes while performing prayer (salaah). During prayer, the voice should not be so low that it cannot be heard by yourself, and it should not be too loud to disturb others.
8. To perform prayer (salaah), it is necessary that a person be of puberty age (above six years) and mentally normal.
9. If any person is badly sick, then there is leniency in actions during prayer (salaah).
10. If a person is on a long journey or is physically engaged in battle (for Allah), then it is permissible to shorten the prayer (salaah) according to the instructions given in Islam.
Posture No. 1: Setting Intension
Set the above posture and recite the below words:
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Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Innnnnee wajjahto wajhea lillazee fataras samaawaati wal arza haneefaooooo wa maaaaa ana minal mushrikeen.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter, but it is called al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'n' shows ghunnah rule and blue 'o' shows idgham rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Posture No. 2: Saying Takbeer
Set the below posture and say the below words:
Posture No. 3: Al-Qayyaam
Set the above posture and recite the below words of praise to Allah.
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Subhaana Kallaahummmmma wabi hamdika watabaara kasmoka wata aalaa jadduka walaaaaa elaaha ghairuk.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'm' shows ghunnah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Now recite 'Taawwuz' means Aaozobilla himinash shaitanirrajeem then recite 'Tasmiyyah' means Bismilla hir rahmaa nir raheem and then recite Surah Al-Fatihah (the first surah of Holy Qur'an) as written below:
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Alhamdo lillaahi rabbil aaalameen. Ar rah maa nir raheem. Maaliki yao middeen. Iyyaaka naabodo waiyyaaka nastaeen. Ehdinas siraatal mustaqeem. Siraatal lazeena anamta alaihim ghairil maghzoobi alaihim wa laz zaaaaaalleen.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath, double green 'a' called standing al-Fath and 5 times green 'a' called long ma'd in Arabic language. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Now recite 'Tasmiyyah,' which means Bismilla hir rahmaa nir raheem and then recite any surah or ruku (one topic) of the Holy Qur'an. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to repeat the surah in every rak'ah of salaah, so you have to memorise at least 20 surahs. I am writing Surah Ikhlaas here:
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Qol ho wallaaho ahad. Allaahossamad. Lam yalid walam yoolad. Walam ya kullahoo kofowan ahad.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Posture No. 4: Ruku
Now go down in ruku by saying 'Allaaho Akbar' and recite the words mentioned in the below picture:
After this, go down to the sajdah by saying 'Allaaho Akbar'.
Posture No. 6: Sajdah
Set the below posture for sajdah and recite the words written in the picture:
Posture No. 7: Tashahhud
Sit with the below posture by saying 'Allaaho Akbar':
Now go down again for sajdah by saying 'Allaaho Akbar'.
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Attahiyyaato lillaahi wassalawaato wattayyibaato assalaamo alaika ayyohannnnnabiyyo warahma tullaahi wabarakaatoh, assalaamo alainaa wa alaa ebaadillaa his saaleheen.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'n' shows ghunnah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Ash hado allaaaaa elaaha il lal laaho wa ash hado annnnna muhammmmmadan abdohoo wa ra soo loh.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'n' and blue 'm' shows ghunnah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Allaahummmmma salle alaa Muhammmmmadeooooo wa alaaaaa aale Muhammmmmadinnnnn kama sallaita alaaaaa Ibraaheema wa alaaaaa aale Ibraaheema innnnnaka hameedummmmmajeed, Allaahummmmma baarik alaa Muhammmmmadeooooo wa alaaaaa aale Muhammmmmadinnnnn kama baarakta alaaaaa Ibraaheema wa alaaaaa aale Ibraaheema innnnnaka hameedummmmmajeed.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'm' and blue 'n' shows ghunnah rule and blue 'o' shows idgham rule. The aqua 'n' shows ikhfah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Rabbij alnee moqeemas salaati wa minnnnn zur riyyatee, rabbana wataqabbal duaaaaaa', rabba nagh firlee wali waali dayya wa lil mo'mineena yaoma yaqoomul hisaab.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but it is called al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'n' shows Ikhfah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Click to play audio:
Pronunciation with Roman Arabic
Rabbanaaaa aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanataooooo wa fil aakhirati hasanataooooo waqinaa azaa bannnnnaar.
(The green 'a' means you have to pronounce it boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as an arabic letter but it is called al-Fath in Arabic language. The blue 'o' shows idgham rule and blue 'n' shows ghunnah rule. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)
Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.
English Translation
Posture No. 10: Salaam
Now move your head to the right side and say the below words:
Also move your head to the left side and say the same words mentioned above. So, this is the method of how to perform one rak'ah.
Salaah (Namaz) Chart:
Prayer chart for five compulsory Salaah, which you have to perform every day:
Red, green and blue colour shows all compulsory rak'ahs:
In the above prayer table, the number of rak'ahs in the last row is done only when you are in the Jamiah mosque on Friday; otherwise, you have to perform the normal rak'ahs mentioned in the second row.
Two Sunnah, Two Farz and Two Nafil:
How to perform two sunnah, two farz and two nafil?
The below video will tell you that how to perform two sunnah, two farz and two nafil:
Four Sunnah:
How to perform four sunnah?
The below video will tell you that how to perform four sunnah:
Four Farz:
How to perform four farz?
The below video will tell you that how to perform four farz:
Three Farz:
How to perform three farz?
The below video will tell you that how to perform three farz:
Three Witr:
How to perform three Witr?
The below video will tell you that how to perform three witr:
Reference Links:
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