Ablution (Wudu)


Ablution (Wudu):

Method of Ablution (Wudu):

            1. Recite 'Bismillaa hir rahmaa nir raheem' before performing ablution (wudu).

            2. Wash the palms, wrists, and in between the fingers of the hands three times.

            3. Take some water in the cupped palm of right hand, rinse mouth with this water, and then spit it out. Repeat this step three times.

            4. Clean the nose by taking a little water in the cupped palm of the right hand, sniffing in some water to rinse the nose, and then blowing the water out with the left hand. Repeat this step three times.

            5. Take water in the cupped palms and wash the entire face, beginning from the forehead, going down to the chin, and from the right ear to the left ear. Repeat this step three times.

            If anyone has a beard, also clean it by rubbing it with wet fingers.

            6. Now it's time to wash both arms. Take water in the cupped palm of right hand and run it on the arm up to the elbow under the water. Repeat this step three times. Do the same for the left hand three times.

            7. Wet the hands and wipe just once, from the forehead to the back of the neck, and then from the back of the neck to the forehead. Now to clean the ears, clean inside the right ear with the index finger of the right hand, and use the index finger of the left hand to clean inside the left ear. Then use the right thumb to clean the right ear from the back side and the left thumb to clean the left ear from the back side. This step is done only once.

            8. Use hands to wash ankle, toes, and use the right pinkie finger to clean between the toes of the right foot. Repeat this step three times. Do the same for the left foot. Use hands to wash ankle, toes, and use the left pinkie finger to clean between the toes of the left foot. Repeat this step three times.

            9. Recite second kalimah after performing ablution (wudu).

          10. Recite additional duas after ablution (wudu).

          11. Following are the conditions when ablution (wudu) breaks:

  • Natural bodily excretions such as gas, urine, and faeces.
  • If someone falls into a deep sleep, unintentionally sleeping without leaning or laying down does not break ablution (wudu).
  • Skin-to-skin touch means touching private parts.
  • If someone loses consciousness or faints due to intoxication.
  • Blood is considered impure in Islam, so ablution (wudu) is broken if there is excessive bleeding from the body, such as from wounds or nosebleeds or from any other part of the body.
  • Scholars consider that if someone vomits, it becomes necessary to renew ablution (wudu) because it releases impurity, which breaks the ablution (wudu).
  • The scholars also suggest performing fresh ablution (wudu) for those prayers that have a long duration, whether the ablution (wudu) is broken or not, such as the duration between Fajr and Zuhr prayers and similarly the duration between Isha and Fajr prayers, but praying or recitation with stale ablution (wudu) is acceptable.

          12. If any part of the body is very dirty, like the nose, feet, or any other part, first clean it thoroughly and then perform ablution (wudu).

         13. Every part should be thoroughly wet during ablution (wudu). If any part included in ablution (wudu) remains dry, ablution (wudu) is not acceptable. When you apply some kind of chemical to body parts, like make-up, nail polish, or something else, the water will not touch the body directly, so the ablution (wudu) will not be acceptable.

          14. If water is not available for ablution, do Tayammum.

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