First Kalimah


First Kalimah Tayyab:

            The first kalimah is the basic belief of every Muslim, and it has two parts:

    In the first part, 'Laaaaa elaaha il lal laa ho', Muslims claim that Allah is only my God. If we look at other religions, people believe in different gods. Even some of them made god with their own hands, which is not acceptable to the Muslim mind. How did the One who created such a complex human being (with multiple sensory systems, thinking abilities, and different emotions) come into being so easily and cheaply? How can the god who is made by man be the god of man? Some people believe that humans were not created by anyone; they associate humans with 'self-made' living beings. But all this is wrong because human beings are created with a highly organised structure and for a special purpose, hence the first belief that there is no god but Allah. Shirk is a concept that means to associate someone with Allah (the only owner of the universe). As a Muslim, Allah Ta'ala will forgive all our sins, whether they are small or big, but will never forgive this sin of 'Shirk'. This is the greatest sin, so a Muslim should always believe that there is no god but Allah.

    The second part, 'muhamma dur rasoo lulaah', is related to the belief in the prophet that a Muslim should claim that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah. He (SAW) explained everything about the religion of Islam to the Muslims and conveyed the messages of Allah without any modification. He (SAW) carried out every order of Allah in practice, and Allah helped Him (SAW) to face all the difficulties to spread Islam in the right way all over the world. Muslims believe in all the prophets who came before Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), and all their stories and truths are written in the Quraan. Every nation has its own prophet who explains everything. Muslims believe in all, but the Prophet of Muslims is Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Muslims have to follow Him (SAW) and no prophet will come after Him.

       So, the one who believes in both parts of the 1st kalimah will be considered a Muslim.

Arabic Text


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Pronunciation with Roman Arabic


Laaaaa elaaha il lal laa ho muhamma dur rasoo lulaah.

(The green 'a' and underline letters mean you have to pronounce them boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as a word, but single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)

Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.

English Translation

Word of Purity

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