Second Kalimah


Second Kalimah Shahadat:

            The second kalimah further explains both parts of the first kalimah:

    In the first part, 'Ash hado allaaaaa elaaha il lal laa ho wah da hoo laa shareeka la hoo', every Muslim must claim that the universe belongs to Allah alone. Allah has no partner, parent, or sibling. He is nobody's child, and He has no child or children. He has the only superpower in the entire universe. In the beginning, people taught Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) that the sun and the moon were our gods. He did not accept because one disappears in the morning and the other disappears in the evening, so how can this be my God? These types of questions and their evidence used to arise in the minds of prophets and good people. That's why Allah tells us clearly in Quraan that I made you in the best way and created you for a special purpose. Allah named us 'Ash ra ful makhlooqaat' which means 'the noblest of all creatures' and created us to worship Him and follow the rules and regulations of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslim to acknowledge that Allah is one and not associate anyone with Him.

    The basis of the second part, 'wa ash hado anna Muhammadan abdohoo wa rasooloh', is the same as that of the second part of the first kalimah. Here again, the Muslim should claim that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger and servant of Allah. No prophet will come after Him (SAW) until the day of the Resurrection (Qiyamah). All sayings (Hadith) and practices (Sunnah) of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) are important for every Muslim. If someone refuses, he/she will not be eligible to call himself/herself a Muslim. Allah Ta'ala sent different prophets and messengers in different periods to convey the messages of Allah to everyone. Some people accepted it, some didn't, and some modified these orders. Therefore, Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and blessed Him (SAW) with Holy Quraan, which will be under the protection of Allah; no one will modify it. Muslims believe in all the prophets who came before Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), and their truths are mentioned in the Holy Quraan, but Muslims follow the teachings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) because they are all the latest and correct messages of Allah.

       So, the one who believes in both parts of the 1st and 2nd kalimah will be considered a Muslim.

Arabic Text


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Pronunciation with Roman Arabic


Ash hado allaaaaa elaaha il lal laa ho wah da hoo laa shareeka la hoo wa ash hado anna Muhammadan abdohoo wa rasooloh.

(The green 'a' and underline letters mean you have to pronounce them boldly. Here green 'a' is not used as a word but, single green 'a' called al-Fath and double green 'a' called standing al-Fath in Arabic language. All letters marked in pink and green are used here as Arabic language symbols to help better pronunciation.)

Note: Roman pronunciation still has complications, as some letters and their pronunciations are not interchangeable with English letters, so you need to learn and concern from someone who has the correct knowledge.

English Translation

Bearing witness to Allah

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