Essay: Respect your Parents (Grade V)


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Gohar English Grammar, Book 5.


Respect your Parents

Students are allow to write their own essay on copies and examination, but with correct spellings, punctuation, and sense of sentence. Students can also write the given essay on copies and learn for examination.

       The Holy Qura'n in several verses has advised people to treat their parents with respect. Parents bring up their children with great love. A Father earns money with a heavy toll. He works from day till evening or night. A Mother takes care her children in every respect. She gives them food, bath them and dresses them. No one can be as much caring as a mother for a child. That is why Allah has said, "Be grateful to one and to both of your parents. Be good to your parents. If either one or both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them "ugh" no chide them, and speak to them a generous word". We must always speak to our parents in kind and gentle manner.
