Grade VIII, Chapter 9


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 9
Introduction to Dreamweaver CS3

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    Src:
       Src specify source file.
2.    W and H:
       W specify the width and H specify the height.
3.    Website:
       When a lot of web pages combine on a particular topic, it forms website.
4.    Hyperlink:
       It appears in blue colour in the document that may contains word, phrase, image or any information related to the particular topic, but when we click it, it opens a new location from the current location.
5.    WYSIWYG:
       It stands for What You See Is What You Get.
6.    Property Inspector:
       It is a tool allows to see and edit the common properties of the page which is currently selected. It may be text, image etc.
7.    Dreamweaver:
       It is a software that allows to create simple web page. These web pages are created by writing HTML code.
8.    HTML:
       HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.


Page No. 179
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Write T for the true statement and F for the false one. Correct the false statement(s).
a.   Once an image has been added to a web page, you cannot resize it.     F
b.   By default, the Property Inspector appears at the top of the window.     F
c.   To preview a webpage, click Preview/ Debug in browser button in the document toolbar.     T
d.   Split view allows you to see both the code and the web page for the same document in a single window.     F
e.   The Property Inspector shows the current properties of the selected element.     T
f.   A named anchor lets the user link to a specific location within a document.     T

Page No. 179 & 180
Q No. 2: Choose the correct option.
a.   The __________ target opens the destination document in the same document.
       iv. _self (is correct)
b.   Dreamweaver displays a/an __________, following the file name if you have unsaved changes.
       iii. * (is correct)
c.   You can modify default properties, such as the web page background Colour through the __________ dialog box.
       iii. Page Properties (is correct)
d.   The Set magnification option appears on the __________.
       ii. Status bar (is correct)
e.   The __________ box allows you to turn the selected text into a hyperlink.
       ii. Link (is correct)

Page No. 180
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Differentiate between the local root folder and the remote folder.

b. What are the different ways to start a new website?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

c. How will you add a web page to a website folder?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

d. How will you set a text or an image as a hyperlink using the Point to file icon?
Answer: I set a text or an image as a hyperlink using the 'Point to file' icon by --> selecting the specific text or image --> then drag the 'Point to file' towards the 'Link' text box which is located in the Property Inspector.
I can find the targeted document in the 'File panel' --> then I can select the option from 'Target' text box.

e. What is a Flash button? How will you add a Flash button to a web page?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

f. Bilal's Science teacher has asked him to create a web page for his Science project. Bilal is confused whether to use HTML or Dreamweaver to make this page. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of both software. Which one would you prefer?
Answer: Advantages of using Dreamweaver:
1. It is efficient and easy to use.
2. Templates are available in Dreamweaver to create web pages.
3. It facilitates the user with consistent looking for the web pages and also for websites.
4. It provides quicker way to manage and update the website.
Advantages of HTML:
1. It is easily understandable.
2. It facilitates work with all browsers.
3. It's an open source and free software.
4. Majority of the developers use HTML not Dreamweaver.
* I will prefer HTML because it supports all browsers.

g. Dreamweaver provides a number of options when it comes to dealing with hyperlink, such as where to put the hyperlink, defining anchor links, and giving different colours to links. Evaluate the usefulness of all three features in relation to browsing on the Internet.
Answer: Following are the useful features:
1. If the document is very long then it allows the user to switch the location from current location to new location.
2. It is user friendly and provides the variety of different features like:
* to use different colour to explain different meanings.
* to put hyperlink.
* to define anchor link.
* rollover link.
3. It provides the facility to darken the links which is visited by the user. So it can easily segregate the visited links and unvisited links.

Additional Questions
Q: How many types are available in Dreamweaver for alignment? What is a Flash button?
Answer: Dreamweaver allows to align the page in the following direction:
1. up
2. down
3. left
4. right
Flash buttons are the pictures or images that are in the form of hyperlink.

Q: What is the border of picture? What are its features?
Answer: Borders define that what is the width of the image border in terms of pixels. By default the value is zero for no border, and then when it's value increases the size of border increases.


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