Grade VIII, Chapter 8


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 8
Tools used in Photoshop CS3

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    Clone Stamp Tool:
       It is a tool used to duplicate the selected portion of an image.
2.    Smudge Tool:
       It is a tool used to create the effect of wet paint that is smudged with a finger.
3.    Dodge Tool:
       It is a tool that is used to lighten the different parts of the image.
4.    Spot Healing Brush tool:
       It is a tool that is used to remove the imperfections in the pictures. It facilitates to remove blemishes, scars, spots etc.
5.    Warping Text:
       It is a tool that is used to distort text and gives a variety of shapes.


Page No. 157 & 158
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   Which of the following options of the Eraser Tool will erase pixels of the Background layer?
       ii. Background Eraser Tool (is correct)
b.   Which of the following layer is created automatically when you create a new image?
       i. Background (is correct)
c.   Which of the following options are available in the Layer menu?
       iv. all of these (is correct)
d.   The Layer Styles button is present at the bottom of the __________.
       ii. Layers palette (is correct)
e.   When you type text, a separate layer called the __________ is added.
       i. Type Layer (is correct)
f.   To distort text into a shape, use the Create Warped Text button on the __________.
       iii. Options bar (is correct)
g.   __________ are used to add special effects to an image.
       i. Filters (is correct)
h.   Which of the following effects are available on clicking the Filter menu?
       iv. all of these (is correct)

Page No. 158
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Can you select multiple layers in Photoshop? If yes, how?
Answer: Yes we can select multiple layers in Photoshop, by clicking first layer ---> press shift key and then ---> click on last layer.

b. What is the use of the Spot Healing Brush Tool?
Answer: Spot healing tool is used to remove the imperfections in the pictures. It facilitates to remove blemishes, scars, spots etc.

c. How can you flatten all visible layers? What is the use of flattening the layers?
Answer: It is important to visible all layers to flatten all visible layers. By using this tool we can reduce the file size. It merges all visible layers into the background.
To use this tool we just have to select Layer Flatten option from layer menu.

d. What is the currently selected layer in Photoshop called?
Answer: The currently selected layer in Photoshop called 'Active Layer'.

e. What are the steps to rename a layer?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

f. Analyse the importance of working with layers in Photoshop.
Answer: Following are the importance of working with layers in Photoshop:
* It provides flexibility to work with images to the users.
* If a layer is damaged or something went wrong, then the user can easily fix it without touching the other layers.
* It consumes less time and effort.

g. Hamza is having trouble working out how a number of tools work in Photoshop. Explain the workings of each of the following tools: blur, clone, smudge, dodge, burn. These are great tool names, but why are they so called?
Answer: Blur: It can soft or blur any particular area of an image.
Clone: It can duplicate the selected potion of the image.
Smudge: It can create the wet paint effect that is smudged by a finger.
Dodge: It can convert the darker areas of the picture into lighter.
Burn: It can dark the pixels of the image.

h. Using the image of your superhero which you designed for Question 3 in Chapter 7, add more layers to it and give it a more detailed look. At each step document what you did and why you did it?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).


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