Grade VI, Chapter 9


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 9
Drawing Tools in Flash CS3

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    Stroke:
       It allows to highlight the outline of any shape.
2.    Fill:
       It allows to colour any shape.
3.    Gradient:
       It allows to create the new shade of colour by mixing two or more colours.
4.    Radial Gradient:
       It is a type of Gradient tool in which the shades of colours give the circular or 3D effect to the object.
5.    Oval tool:
       It allows to insert any circular or oval shape.


Page No. 147
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   Which of the following options are available in the Property inspector when you select the Line Tool?
       iv. all of these (is correct)
b.   Each shape consists of a
       iii. both i. and ii. (is correct)
c.   When you draw an oval or a circle using the __________ tool, you cannot change the start angle, end angle, or inner radius after drawing the shape.
       i. Oval (is correct)
d.   The Radial gradient option creates a gradient that shades from the starting point to the end point in a __________ pattern.
       ii. circular (is correct)
e.   Which key will you press while dragging to draw a perfect square using the Rectangle Tool?
       ii. SHIFT (is correct)

Page No. 148
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Name any two modifiers of the Eraser Tool.
Answer: Following are the two modifiers of the Eraser tool:
1. Faucet Modifier
2. Eraser Mode Modifier

b. Differentiate between the Rectangle Tool and the Primitive Rectangle Tool.
Answer: Flash CS3 allows to draw rectangle of any size with rounded corners. For this I have to specify the radius for the corners. Both Rectangle tool and Primitive Rectangle tool is use to perform this task with a difference:

c. Write steps to create a new gradient colour.
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies). 

d. Evaluate the following statement, 'Application software such as Flash CS3 have replaced the artist's palette'.
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

e. Why do you think that the 'property inspector panel' is necessary while working on a Flash document?
Answer: The 'Property Inspector Panel' is necessary while working on a Flash document because:
1. We can assign different properties to different shapes in Flash CS3.
2. Using 'Property Inspector Panel', I can set the following properties:
   * colour fill
   * stroke
   Using these two properties we can modify the shape as we required.
3. It tells how the documents are different from each other that are created in Flash CS3.

Additional Questions
Q: What are the drawing tools use in Flash CS3, list them and define everyone.
Answer: Following are the Drawing tools used in Flash CS3:
1. Drawing Rectangles and Ovals
     * Rectangle tool
     * Rectangle Primitive tool
     * Oval tool
     * Oval Primitive tool
2. Drawing Polygons and Stars
3. Drawing with the Pencil tool
4. Painting with the Brush tool
5. Paint Bucket tool
6. Drawing with Gradient tool
     * Linear gradient tool
     * Radial gradient tool
7. Using Ink Bottle tool
8. Using the Eraser tool
1. Drawing Rectangles and Ovals: This tool allows to draw the rectangles and ovals with different variety of features.
2. Drawing Polygons and Stars: This tool allows to draw the different shapes of polygons and stars.
3. Drawing with Pencil tool: This tool allows to draw any shape same as like you use pencil on paper, but here mouse on screen.
4. Painting with Brush tool: This tool allows to paint with brush tool like icon with different strokes.
5. Paint Bucket tool: This tool is used to fill the shapes with some solid colour and gradients.
6. Drawing with Gradient tool: This tool allows to fill the shapes with different shades of colours.
7. Using Ink Bottle: This tool allows to change the colour of any line. We can also change the style and thickness of any existing line.
8. Using Eraser tool: This tool is use to erase the lines or any object.


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