Grade III, Chapter 5


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 5
Writing and Math in KTurtle

Write these new words on neat copies. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.
1.    Math sums
2.    Horizontally
3.    Editor pane
4.    tr 90
5.    Vertically
6.    Go command
7.    spritehide
8.    sh command
9.    spriteshow
10.  ss command
11.  print
12.  forward
13.  backward
14.  turnright
15.  turnleft
16.  direction
17.  double quotes ("")


Page No. 61
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
fontsize,     go,     print,     spritehide,     spriteshow
a.   The print command writes text or numbers on the canvas.
b.   The fontsize command changes the size of the text or numbers.
c.   The go command is used to move the turtle without drawing a line.
d.   The spritehide command allows you to hide the turtle.
e.   The spriteshow command is used to unhide the turtle.

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Q No. 2: Choose the correct option.
a.   The operator used for multiplication is
       iii. * (is correct)
b.   The operator used for subtraction is
       ii. - (is correct)
c.   It moves the turtle forward by 60 steps.
       ii. fw 70 + 5 - 15 (is correct)
d.   It turns the turtle right by 70 degrees.
       ii. tr 90 - 20 (is correct)
e.   The command used to move the turtle 40 steps to the right and 30 steps down from the top left corner.
       ii. go 40, 30 (is correct)

Page No. 62
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Why is the font size an essential command of the KTurtle program?
Answer: The font size an essential command of the KTurtle program because it sets the size of font to write text or numbers on canvas by turtle.

b. What command would you use to write the text horizontally?
Answer: I use the print command to write the text horizontally.

c. Can you only move the turtle to the bottom of the canvas by drawing a line?
Answer: No, I can also use Go command to move the turtle to the bottom of the canvas.

d. How will you solve the division sum: 84/4 in KTurtle using arithmetic operators with the print command?
Answer: I resolve it by using the below commands
go 20, 20
fontsize 40
print 84/4

e. Which command would you use in KTurtle to ask the name of a place and to get an answer? Outline the steps you would take to write this command.
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

Additional Questions
Q: What are arithmetic operators? Write some basic arithmetic operators.
Answer: An operator that performs arithmetic operations are called arithmetic operators. It is used in computer language to perform mathematical operations. Some are:
1.   +
2.   -
3.   *
4.   /
5.   ^


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