Grade III, Chapter 4


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 4
KTurtle Commands

Write these new words on neat copies. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.
1.    Canvas
2.    Forward command
3.    fw
4.    Spacebar
5.    Parameter
6.    Turnright command
7.    Turnleft tl
8.    Clockwise direction
9.    Pointing upward
10.  canvassize
11.  canvascolor
12.  RGB: Red Green Blue
13.  Color Picker
14.  Slider
15.  Editor button
16.  Pen width
17.  pencolor
18.  fw (forward)
19.  bw (backward)
20.  tr (turnright)
21.  tl (turnleft)
22.  dir (direction)
23.  cs (canvassize)
24.  cc (canvascolor)
25.  pc (pencolor)
26.  pw (penwidth)
27.  ccl (clear)
28.  reset


Page No. 49
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
canvassize,     reset,     direction,     penwidth,     turnleft
a.   The turnleft command turns the turtlle's head to the left.
b.   The reset command clears the canvas.
c.   The direction command counts the number of degrees from zero.
d.   The penwidth command sets the thickness of the pen used for drawing on the canvas.
e.   The canvassize command sets the size of the canvas.

Page No. 49
Q No. 2: Write T for the true statement and F for the false one.
a.   The backward command can be used to move the turtle forward.          T
b.   There is no short form of the reset command.          T
c.   You cannot change the thickness of a pen.          F
d.   The RGB combination is three numbers in the range 0 to 100.          F
e.   The short form of the clear command is cl.          F

Page No. 49 & 50
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 3: Choose the correct option.
a.   This command moves the turtle forward by 80 steps.
       iv. both i and ii (is correct)
b.   This command turns the turtle by 90 degrees to the left.
       ii. tl 90 (is correct)
c.   The command that takes no input.
       iv. both ii and iii (is correct)
d.   The command to change the turtle's pen colour to yellow.
       ii. pencolor 255, 255, 0 (is correct)
e.   The command to change the canvas size to 300 steps height and 300 steps width.
       ii. canvassize 300, 300 (is correct)

Page No. 50
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Write a command to change the size of the canvas to 200 steps height and 200 steps width.
Answer: The command used to change the size of the canvas to 200 steps height and 200 steps width is canvassize 200, 200.

b. Write a command to change the thickness of the turtle's pen to 40 units.
Answer: To change the thickness of turtle's pen to 40 units we use the command penwidth 40.

c. Are the commands turnright 360 and turnleft 360 the same? What do they do?
Answer: Yes, the commands turnright 360 and turnleft 360 are same. Both will complete the circular path.

d. How many degrees does a circular path consist of?
Answer: A circular path consists of 360 degrees.

e. Which command performs the same functions as 'tr' or 'tl'?
Answer: The dir (direction) command performs the same function as 'tr' or 'tl'.

f. What are the similarities and differences between clear and reset commands?
1. Both commands are used to clean all the drawing from canvas.
2. Both commands are used when something drawn on canvas.


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