Grade VIII, Chapter 2


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 2
Access 2013: Design View, Queries, Forms and Reports

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    Default Value:
       The value or initial setting when the software or program is open.
2.    Datasheet View:
       It's the appearance when we enter and edit or modify the data.
3.    Data Type:
       It's the pre-setting for the data which is telling the user that what type of data can be enter by user.
4.    Grouping Level:
       In a report there is a level where we group the records. When we create group for fields, a group of header and a group of footer is created. They contains the same value that are present in the field.
5.    Form:
       It is a platform or a web page where we send or receive information. In database we use form in a table for the data to:
* View
* Enter
* Edit
* Delete
6.    Field name:
       It's the name of the heading of each column in the table of database is called field name.
7.    Report:
       The printable format through which we can easily analyze the data and make it's reading easy is called Report.
8.    ID:
       ID represents identity.
9.    Emp:
       Emp represents Employee.
10.  Query:
       Query means to ask. It is a system in the software which is use to ask about concern information through dialogue box.
11.  Row/ Field Selector:
       In Design view there is a small grey box at the starting point of each row which is called row selector and similarly for field is called field selector. The purpose is to select the whole row to apply any operation.
12.  Design View:
       It is the view of database table through which we can edit or modify the data.
13.  Primary Key:
       It has the unique information in the database to specify the specific record.


Page No. 46
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   In Access, the Short Text data type may contain a maximum of
       i. 255 characters (is correct)
b.   Which property is set to Yes so that data in a field is mandatory?
       ii. Required (is correct)
c.   Which of the following is not a view for displaying a report?
       iv. Datasheet View (is correct)
d.   Which data type could be used for the field, Remark or Comment?
       ii. Long Text (is correct)
e.   The validation check required to have a value within the range 1 to 500 in the RollNo field would be
       ii. >=1 AND <=500 (is correct)

Page No. 47
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Describe the four parts of the Field Definition Grid.
Answer: The four parts of the field definition Grid are:
1. Field Selector
2. Field Name
3. Data Type
4. Description
Field Selector: We can select the field through field selector. By using field selector we can insert, delete, drag and reposition any field in the datasheet. It can also be used to identify the primary key in the table through the icon of primary icon.
Field Name: It creates the grid lists for the name of the fields in the created table.
Data Type: In this part we define the type of data which we are going to enter. When we add new field then by default Short Text data type is assigned to it. To change the data type we have to click on arrow to select the described data type.
Description: We can add additional information in the field using this option.

b. What are the different ways of setting a field as a primary key?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

c. Why is a form preferred over the Datasheet View for entering data?
Answer: Compare to datasheet, Form is preferable because of the following reasons:
1. We can easily enter, edit, view and delete the data from the table.
2. Using Form, the data validation enforcement for the data of the field is much more controllable in data entry.

d. How will you switch from Datasheet View to Design View and vice versa?
Answer: To switch from Datasheet View to Design View, we have to click on view option. A dropdown menu will appear. We have to select Design View. Similarly, to switch from Design view to Datasheet view we have to click on view option. A dropdown menu will appear. We have to select datasheet view.

e. What do you understand by AutoNumber field in Access? Can you change the data type of any field to AutoNumber?
Answer: AutoNumber field in Access stores sequential information or integer that applies increment automatically when it is instructed to add new record. We can also say that it is the default data type for new entry.
Yes, I can change the data type of any field to AutoNumber.

f. Give a validation rule such that a user can enter only the values 1, 2, or 3?
Answer: A user can enter only the values 1, 2 or 3 for the validation rules:

g. Compare the two methods of creating a table in MS Access (Datasheet View and Design View). Which one would you prefer to use to record the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet?

We can switch Datasheet view to Design view by using View button. Similarly, we can also switch Design view to Datasheet view by using view button.
* I would prefer Design view to record the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet because it's not the numeric data and I can write it by using 2 columns.

h. Access 2013 allows you to define field properties such as size, format, input mask, and validation rule. Analyze the importance of each field property for a database with hundreds of entries?
Answer: Size: Field size property allows us to define how many characters, digits or text we add. If we increase the size it will increase the space of entering more words.
Format: Format allows us that how data will display which is entered by user. For example currency formats $, PKR etc.
Input Mask: Input Mask allows us to enter the data in a predefined format. User can add the data only where it's allowed, for example entering phone number: ( _ _ _ ) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Validation Rule: Validation rule allows to enter the values in specific range, like if the validation rule for a field is < = 90, so it means the field can only takes the values smaller than or equal to 90.

i. Using the information you collated for Question 3 of Chapter 1, create a form to enter the information about the teams that played in the World Cup. You may use any of the three methods (see page 43 of your keyboard 8 book if you get stuck) to design the form. Make sure to list the steps you will take to create the form and give reasons for your choices?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).


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