Grade VI, Chapter 3


Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 3
Advanced Features of Excel 2013

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    AutoFill:
       Auto means automatically and when this term combines with Fill, it means that the program is following some sequence instructed by us to fill the next cells.
2.    Custom Filtering:
       Custom means the setting done by the user and filtering means to search the specific data with some keywords. So by combining both words it is the complex criteria used to filter data.
3.    Fill Handle:
       It is black plus symbol used to select the cells to apply different features on the cell. It works with simple dragging.
4.    Conditional Formatting:
       It allows the user to apply settings on cells with some specific condition.
5.    Sorting:
       It means to arrange or rearrange the data in specific order like in alphabetical order or date wise etc.
6.    Flash Fill:
       It is the feature which is used to fill the series of cells by recognizing the pattern instructed by the user.
7.    Filtering:
       It means to display the specific data by searching with some keywords.
8.    Custom List:
       The list set up by the user by using the feature of AutoFill.


Page No. 46 & 47
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   This feature recognizes the data pattern in a worksheet and fills the series accordingly?
       ii. Flash Fill (is correct)
b.   The filter button means.
       i. Filter is applied (is correct)
c.   To remove filter
       iii. both (i) and (ii) (is correct)
d.   The Conditional Formatting button is available in the __________ group on the HOME tab.
       iii. Styles (is correct)
e.   When you bring the mouse pointer over a small black square in the lower-right corner of the active cell(s), it changes to a __________ sign.
       iv. + (is correct)

Page No. 47
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Explain any one method of creating a custom list.
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

b. How will you display only those rows in which the total marks obtained by the students is greater than 500?
Answer: Lab work (will be discuss in Computer lab. Students do not have to do this question on neat copies).

c. Evaluate the importance of the various features of the 'Fill' command in Excel.
Answer: Following are the features provided by 'Fill' command:
1. AutoFill
2. Fill by Copying Cells
3. Fill without Formatting
4. Fill Days or Fill Weekdays
5. Fill series
6. Flash Fill
7. Custom Fill
8. Fill Formatting Only
1. AutoFill: It follows some sequence instructed by us to fill the next cells.
2. Fill by Copying Cells: It copies the data or content on one cell to the other selected cell.
3. Fill without Formatting: It fills the next cells by following some sequence in series but it does not apply any formatting in the source cell.
4. Fill Days or Fill Weekdays: It fills the sequence of days accordingly as instructed by user.
5. Fill Series: It follows some sequence in series to fill the next cells.
6. Flash Fill: It is the feature which is use to fill the series of cells by recognizing the pattern instructed by user.
7. Custom Fill: It allows to set up the data in cells according to the choice of user.
8. Fill Formatting Only: It allows to copy the format only from the selected cell to the targeted one.

d. Zaid's father owns a mobile phone shop. He has asked Zaid to help him maintain the records of all his customers in an Excel worksheet. He now wants Zaid to check the details of Ali Murtaza, an old customer, in his records. Which of these two options should Zaid use for this? Give reasons for your answer.
* filter
* sort
Answer: Filtering means to display the specific data by searching with some keywords.
Sorting means to arrange or rearrange the data in specific order like in alphabetical order or date wise.
So, filtering is the best option to check the details of Ali Murtaza because he can use the keyword 'Ali Murtaza' for searching. It will display all related data and then Zain can easily find the record of 'Ali Murtaza'.

Additional Question
Q: What is the advantage of AutoFill and what are the ways to create a custom list?
Answer: The advantage of AutoFill is to enter the data quickly in predefined series.
The two ways to create custom list are:
1. by importing the list.
2. by entering the list.
