Grade VI, Chapter 1

Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 1
The Computer System 

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    PDAs stands for:
       Personal Data Assistants
2.    PMPs stands for:
       Portable Media Players
3.    PCs stands for:
       Personal Computers
4.    DVD stands for:
       Digital Versatile Disk 
5.    E-book:
       Electronic book 
6.    MICR stands for:
       Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
7.    OMR stands for:
       Optical Mark Recognition
8.    LCD stands for:
       Liquid Crystal Display 
9.    CAD stands for:
       Computer Aided Design 
10.  CAM stands for:
       Computer Aided Manufacturing
11.  MAC OS stands for:
       Macintosh Operating System
12.  USB stands for:
       Universal Serial Bus
13.  Computer Language:
       It is a language that is used to develop the softwares to instruct computers. 
14.  HLL stands for:
       High Level Language. The language understandable by humans.
15.  LLL stands for:
       Low Level Language. The language understandable by computers and machines.


Page No. 10
Objective Type Questions
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   Which of the following is not a utility program?
       iii. C++ (is correct)
b.   Which of the following is not a kind of system software?
       iv. Package (is correct)
c.   Which of the following is an input device?
       ii. Barcode reader (is correct)
d.   It is a unique combination of vertical bars.
       i. Barcode (is correct)
e.   MICR character can be seen on
       ii. Bank cheques (is correct)

Page No. 10 & 11
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. Write the full form of:          i. MICR          ii. OMR
Answer: Already covered in the above section of 'New Terms and abbreviations'.
b. Define a program.
Answer: To perform any task, computer follow a proper sequence of instructions that is called program.
c. What do you understand by an operating system? Give two examples.
Answer: An operating system is the master control program which allows to run the computer system to perform various tasks. It monitors and controls the flow of signals from CPU to different parts of computer. Windows XP, Windows 7 etc are the examples of operating system.
d. Difference between assembly language and machine language.
Answer: Assembly Language: Assembly language is the first computer language that gives instructions by using combination of letters. This language tells the computer that where is the data and what to do with this data.
Machine Language: Machine language is the language that is understandable by computer and proceed directly for execution without any translation. In machine language, a long strings of 0s and 1s are use to write each instruction.
e. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?
Answer: Compiler: It is a program that translates HLL (High Level or Human Language) program into LLL (Low Level or Machine Language). It reads whole program and translate it into LLL or machine language at one go. It indicates the errors in the program also mentioning the line number in which error occurs.
Interpreter: It is a program that translate and execute HLL (High Level or Human Language) program into LLL (Low Level or Machine Language) with one statement at a time. It follows this methodology for all the next statements and proceed it all in the same way until all the statements translated and executed. 
A compiler is a big program that translates HLL to LLL as compared to interpreter.
f. Identify a few instances where LCD projectors are used.
Answer: LCD projectors display output of computer on large screen. In conferences, meetings it is widely used for displaying ideas, presentation etc.
g. Analyse how the reduction in size and the portability of computers have influenced their usage.
Answer: We observe in our daily life that the reduction in size and the portability of computers have influenced their usage. It targets less power consumption which reduces bills. Because of it's portability its usage is preferable in many applications like smart phones, smart televisions and smart appliances.
h. Smart cards hold a great deal of personal information about an individual. Examine the hazards of having so much information in one place.
Answer: Although it is useful but there are some hazards of having so much information in one place because of someone do access it, he can easily hack your account, and personal information.
i. Imagine you are a teacher and you have to create a computer based examination mark sheet for your class. Using a flowchart, develop a sequence of actions to show the step-by-step process.

Additional Question
Q: What is software and hardware.
Answer: Physical components of computer system are hardware while the program that are needed to run or operate the computer system is called software.
Q: Draw mind map of 'The computer system'.

Q: Draw flowchart of 'Computer Software'.

Q: Draw flowchart of 'Perform Tasks' in computers and machines.

Additional Discussion and Lab Activity
Q No. 1: Discuss and solve the application-based questions on page 11 in class with full details relating each topic of question with the chapter topic. Students have to solve the answer of this section on their books. These answers will be the part of practical exam as viva.
          a. Observe the given figure on the right side (of this question on page 11) and answer the following questions:
          i. What does the figure represent?
          Answer: It's a bar code reader which is scanning a bar code printed on a product.
          ii. Name the device used in the figure.
          Answer: This device is called bar code reader.
          iii. Name any two items on which you find such types of lines.
          Answer: I found it on the last page of my book and at the back of chips pack.
          b. Observe the figure along on the left (of this question on page 11) and answer the following questions:
          i. What is the sheet shown in the figure called?
          Answer: This sheet is known as OMR sheet.
          ii. Name the device used to check such types of sheets.
          Answer: This device is called Optical Mark Reader.
          iii. What purpose are these types of sheets used for?
          Answer: These types of sheets are used to check the MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) in examination. It has circles for the choices against each MCQ. The correct option is filled with dark colour by pen or pencil. This dark portion is detected by OMR for marking.
          c. Identify the following as hardware or software and write them under the correct heading in the given table (on page 11).
          Answer: Hardware: Barcode reader, Card reader and Plotters.
                         Software: Compiler, Driver and Windows.
          d. Kabir's father has purchased a computer and installed Windows 7 and Quick Heal software. (page 12)
          i. Identify the types of software (system software or application software) that he has installed?
          Answer: Windows 7 were installed for system software while Quick Heal software installed for application software.
          ii. When the computer is switched on, which kind of software is first loaded onto the memory?
          Answer: It's the operating system that loaded first onto the memory when the computer is switched on.
Q No. 2: Find out which operating system is installed on your computer. Name two operating systems other than the one on your computer. (page 12)
Answer: It's windows 7 installed in the computers of our lab. Two other operating systems are:
          1. Linux
          2. Mac
Q No. 3: Make a list of 10 application software and 5 utility programs installed on your computer, along with their uses. Take the help of your teacher or an elder in the family to create this list. (page 12)
Answer: Application Software:
               1. Paint: use for drawing.
               2. Power Point: use for making presentations.
               3. Calculator: use for mathematical calculations.
               4. VLC Media Player: use to play videos.
               5. Adobe Photoshop: use to open PDF documents.
               6. Excel: use to make database records.
               7.Microsoft Word: use to create typed documents.
               8. Photo Viewer: use to view pictures.
               9. MS Publisher: use to make posters and panaflex.
               10. Dev C++: use for coding of machines.

               Utility Software:
               1. Software Backup: use to create backup of data.
               2. Disk Cleaner: use to clean the space from unused data.
               3. Wall Papers: use to set beautiful back ground photos.
               4. Antivirus: use to clean from viruses.
               5. Bluetooth: use to send and receive files from one device to another within physical boundaries limitation.
Q No. 4: Collect pictures of various input devices and make a chart giving details about each of them. (page 12)
Q No. 5: Find out which antivirus software is installed on your computer. Also, collect names of 5 other antivirus software. (page 12)
Answer: We have antivirus named 'Windows Defender' in the computers of our lab. Five antivirus softwares are:
1.   Avast
2.   AVG
3.   Windows Defender
4.   Norton
5.   Avira


  1. Saliha wajid thank you so much mam❤️

  2. Ahmadhussain tahnk you so so much mam

  3. Thank you so much mam seen part c and d thank you so much for having this idea this really helps alot 💗

  4. M Hassaan thank u so much mam once again ir provided link is so much helpful 4 all the students

  5. M Hassaan i m grade 6 student thanks

  6. Name M.H
    Thanks for making this link and I have checked my work done it


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