Grade V, Chapter 1

Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 1
Characteristics and Evolution of Computers 

Students should extract new words by themselves from chapter No. 1 and write them on neat copies as vocabulary words. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.

Students should learn these terms and abbreviation. It will be the part of exam.
1.    Abacus:
       First calculating device consists of wooden frame and sliding beads on wires. (see book page 2 Fig. 1.1)
2.    ENIAC stands for:
       Electronic Numerical Integrator and computer
3.    EDSAC stands for:
       Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
4.    EDVAC stands for:
       Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
5.    UNIAC stands for:
       Universal Automatic Computer
6.    ICs stands for:
       Integrated Circuits
7.    VLSIC stands for:
       Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
8.    CPU stands for:
       Central Processing Unit
9.    PCs stands for:
       Personal Computers
10.  AI stands for:
       Artificial Intelligence. It deals with computers that can create brain for other computers.


Page No. 10
Descriptive Type Questions
Q No. 1: Choose the correct option.
a.   The first fully automatic calculator was the __________.
       i. Mark l (is correct)
b.   The first mechanical calculator was invented by __________.
       ii. Blaise (is correct)
c.   A __________ has all the components of the CPU on a single chip.
       iii. Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (is correct)
d.   The first electronic computer that used stored programs was the __________.
       i. EDSAC (is correct)
e.   __________ invented the difference engine.
       i. Charles Babbage (is correct)

Page No. 10
Q No. 1: Answer the following.
a. List the characteristics of second-generation computers.
b. What were the limitations of first-generation computers?
Answer: Following are the limitations of first generation computers:
                1. Very expensive.
                2. Perform one task at a time.
                3. Very high power consumption.
                4. For installation they need very large space.
                5. Very low operating speed.
c. How have the advances in computer technology affected our modern day to day lives?
Answer: Computer technology ease our daily lives in order to learn, communicate, business and traveling.
                1. We use social media and internet to discuss our work and ideas.
                2. We circulate messages and information through it.
                3. We use computer in school to maintain records of payments, results and employees.
                4. We use computer in hospitals to maintain the records of patients, medicines and machines for different tests.
d. Make a list of the early calculating devices. Do we still use any of them today?
Answer: Following are the calculating devices:
                1. Abacus.
                2. Difference Engine.
                3. Napier's bones.
                4. Analytical Engine.
                5. Pascaline.
                These machines are not commonly using in these days. Some countries like China and Russia etc using for study purposes to deliver the technical concepts.
e. Compare and contrast the two calculating machines of 'Napier's bones' and the 'Pascaline'? Do you think one was more advanced than the other? Why?
Answer: Napier's Bones is a calculating device consists of:
                Wooden strips or bones with numbers carved. It can do following tasks:
                1. Addition.
                2. Subtraction.
                3. Multiplication.
                4. Division.
                5. Square root.
                Pascaline is a mechanical calculating device consists of:
                Moveable wheels and rectangular box. It can do calculations in hundreds and thousands.
                So, I think Pascaline is more advance.
f. In fourth generation computers, what do you think was the biggest advantage for using microprocessors? Justify your response.
Answer: The biggest advantage for using microprocessors in fourth generation is that it has the features of CPU on a single chip due to which:
                1. The size reduces.
                2. The efficiency increases.
                3. Easy to use.
g. Do you think that, in the future, artificial intelligence might replace teachers in the classroom? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: Do verbal discussion of this question in the classroom with students.

Additional Questions
Q: List the characteristics of Computers.
Answer: Following are the characteristics of computers:
                1. Speed.
                2. Accuracy.
                3. High storage.
                4. Diligence.
                5. Versatility.
Q: Draw a comparison graph of generations of computer.

Additional Discussion and Lab Activity
Q No. 1: Show the video of 'generations of computer' and discuss with students about their characteristics and comparison.
Q No. 2: Ask students to write this comparison on MS Word in a tabular form.
Q No. 3: Ask students to multiply 666 with 99 from the calculator of computer. Now again do this multiplication manually using page and paper. After this activity students have to observe who did fast calculations. Do discussion on the efficiency of brain, compare to computer processing.
Q No. 4: Discuss with students that 'how abacus works'.

Reference Pictures
Punched cards in second generation computers. It's the reference picture with the reference of class discussion.


  1. Ayla Mahmood thank you 😘 mam

  2. Abdul Hakam I have seen Punched card

  3. Eman bibi
    Seen the punched card thank you mam πŸ€—πŸ€—

  4. I can see punched thnx mam Muhammad Sami

  5. I can seen punched card
    Salwa Rauf

  6. Zunaib seen punched cards compliment

  7. Ayla mehmood seen the punched card thank you 😘 mam

  8. Hashir Ali, I have seen the punch card, thanks mam

  9. Hashir Ali correction done thanks

  10. I have done generation of computers hashir ali

  11. Zunaib good digramπŸ‘πŸ‘

  12. Ayla seen generation computer

  13. Zunaib seen generation of computer πŸ–₯️ thank you

  14. I have seen generation of computers Hashir Ali

  15. Seen generation of computer 😊

  16. Hi.this is harmain fatima thank u so much...grade 5


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