Grade II, Chapter 1

Learn with Hafiza Palwasha

Computer Science With Application Software (Third Edition).


Chapter No. 1
A Smart Machine

Write these new words on neat copies. There is no need to memorize these words but students should be able to read and understand these words as I explained and discussed in class.
1.    Machines
2.    Electricity
3.    Electronic machine
4.    Smart machine
5.    Computer memory
6.    Decisions
7.    Desktop Computer
8.    Central Processing Unit
9.    Monitor
10.  Keyboard
11.  Laptops
12.  Battery
13.  Palmtops
14.  Tablet computer
15.  Touch screen
16.  Pen-like device
17.  Personal Computers (PCs)
18.  Switched on
19.  Switched off
20.  Charged
21.  Desktop
22.  Icons
23.  Logging off
24.  Shutting down
25.  Power supply

Page No. 2
Q: How many computers do you see in the picture below?
Three Computers

Page No. 2
Q: Do you find any computer part missing? __________ If yes, what is missing __________?
First blank answer: Yes
Second blank answer: Mouse

Page No. 5
Q: Look at the picture above and fill in the blanks.
Ayesha is working on a __________, while her mother is working on a __________. Ayesha's brother is working on a __________, while her father is working on a __________.
First blank answer: Tablet computer
Second blank answer: Laptop
Third blank answer: Palmtop
Fourth blank answer: Desktop


Page No. 7
Q No. 1: The steps to start a computer are given below. Number the steps in the correct order.
a.   Switch on the monitor.                                                       d
b.   Switch on the UPS.                                                                b
c.   Switch on the power button on the CPU cabinet.     c
d.   Switch on the main supply.                                               a

Page No. 8
Q No. 2: Rohail and his friends were playing in the garden. One of them noticed some flash cards on the ground. The flash cards have a picture of a desktop, a laptop, or a palmtop.
Can you count the following?
a.   Number of Desktops         3
b.   Number of Laptops           2
c.   Number of Palmtops         1

Page No. 8
Q No. 3: Sonia was holding a bag full of alphabet keys. Some of the keys fell down on the floor.
Surprisingly, they will form a type of computer, if arranged in order. Give it a try! You can use a letter more than once.
Computer,     Desktop

Page No. 9
Q No. 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
desktop,     fingers,     pictures,     Start,     UPS
a.   The icons on the desktop are like small pictures.
b.   When you switch on the computer, the first screen that appears is called the desktop.
c.   The power supply is kept ON to keep the UPS charged.
d.   You can work on a tablet computer using your fingers.
e.   Click the start button to shut down the computer.

Page No. 9
Q No. 5: Write T for the true statement and F for the false one.
a.   You should start and shut down a computer in the proper way.                    T
b.   A desktop computer can run on battery.                                                                   F
c.   A laptop computer can be carried from one place to another.                         T
d.   You should not switch off the UPS after shutting down the computer.      F
e.   The small pictures on the desktop are called images.                                         F

Page No. 9
Q No. 6: Choose the correct option.
a.   A type of computer:
      iv. all of these (is correct)
b.   The full form of PC is:
      ii. personal computer (is correct)   
c.   The small pictures on the desktop are called:
      iii. icons (is correct)   
d.   Which one is not true about a computer?
      iv. can take decisions (is correct)   
e.   Which one is not true about humans?
      iii. never make mistakes (is correct)

Page No. 9 & 10
Q No. 7: Answer the following.
a. Why is it important to always turn on and turn off the computer in the correct way?
Answer: It is important because:
1.  Incorrect way to turn on the computer will not allow to function it properly.
2.  Incorrect way to turn off the computer will lose information and damage it.

b. Where do you think the name 'icons' comes from? Do icons remind you of anything?
Answer: 'Icon' comes from 'eikenai' which is Greek word, means 'to seem' or 'to be like'. It reminds the pictorial representation of computer program or computer application on screen.

c. List at least three tasks that computers can do but humans cannot. Do you think this is important to understand? Give reasons for your answer.

d. Would you like to have a desktop, a laptop, a palmtop, or a tablet in your home? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: I would like to have a laptop because:
                1. Easy to carry.
                2. Variety of application.

Additional Discussion and Lab Activity
Q No. 1: Discuss verbally the use of laptops and computers in schools and homes.
Q No. 2: Discuss the steps to turn on and turn off the computer.


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